George Markoski – The Big Proposal!
George Markoski – The Big Proposal! this video, George sets up an incredibly romantic setting for his proposal to his beautiful…
Some folks still have the mistaken belief that if it’s hard and cumbersome, it’s worth more. Easy gets a bad reputation, I tell you…
Client “A” John is well-educated, has a high paying job and in an excellent position to start directing some of his cash-flow income towards buying income producing assets, such as “Investment Properties”, but keeps making excuses and never gets around to it.
Client “B” Mark is in a lower paying job, his finances were in a mess and his financial structures were all wrong, however he had managed to buy a good base of properties, most at the lower to middle end of the market, all have increased in value. If he sold them all today his equity gain would be $1,000,000.00 they were also producing positive cash-flow. He is well on his way to financial freedom – ahead of time all because he made small specific steps.
Client “A” had already spent a considerable number of years with the intention of one day doing something, researching, reading books, attending investment workshops and seminars, but never quite getting around to actually doing it. The fussier you are, the higher the risk that you will always be too busy to book your ticket out of the rat race. Hesitation is almost always a set up to lose.
The moral of the story is longer you put off acting on your plan to escape the rat race the more expensive it becomes.
Breaking it all client “B” did was take their average wage and buy 2 investment properties. They have held them for 10 years, and they now have both doubled in value they have 1 million dollars’ worth of equity and extra $50,000 of passive income per year. It’s not rocket science, but it does take courage, the courage to get out of your comfort zone and take action.
It’s a no brainer. By directing your cash-flow towards acquiring investment properties long term you are significantly increase your financials. By the way, Client “A” is still nowhere sitting on the fence. He’s missed out on 1 million dollars from analysis paralysis. Be smart, take the actions of client “B”.
Do you already have a strategy to grow your property portfolio this year? Leave your comment below and let us know!